Additional References


  1. 25 years Experience with Seawater Cooled Heat Exchange Equipment in the Shell Fleets, Shone, E. B. and G. C. Grim, , UK, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, .
  2. Alloy 400 for use in High Pressure Feedwater Heaters, Rahoi, Dennis W., NiDI Publication 14021, , Nickel Development Institute, .
  3. A New Copper-Nickel Alloy for Utility Condenser Tubes, Carl J. Gaffoglio, pp 60-62, , CDA, Reprinted from Power Engineering .
  4. Care and Maintenance of Copper Alloy Tubed Condensers - Construction through Early Life, Sartor, W. E., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar;, New York City, New York, .
  5. Copper Alloys for Seawater Intake Piping Can Lower Power Plant Operating Cost, Thiele, E. W., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, NY, CDA, .
  6. Copper Alloy Surface Condenser Tube Application and Service Considerations, Hibbard, D. S., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, .
  7. Copper-Nickel Alloys for Feedwater Heater Service, NiDI Publication 375, Nickel Institute, Reprinted from Corrosion, Volume 20, No. 3, 80t-88t [1964] March .
  8. Effect of Condenser Design on Tube Performance, Caruso, L., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, NY, CDA, .
  9. Effects of the Condensate Side Environment on Copper Alloy Condenser Tube, Vol. Anderson, G. A., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, NY, CDA, .
  10. Evaluation of a Phosphoric Acid Based Descaling Solvent for Shipboard Cleaning of Seawater Heat Exchangers, Wolejsza, T. M., E. J. Lemieux, and K. E. Lucas, , Corrosion/2003, San Diego, CA, NACE International, .
  11. Factors Affecting Corrosion and Fouling of Condenser Tubes of Copper Alloys and Titanium, Sato, S. and K. Nagata, Sumitomo Light Metal Technical Reports, Vol. 19, 3, pp 1-12, , .
  12. Fine Wall (22BWG) 90-10 and 70-30 Cu-Ni Condenser Tube Use at the Hennepin Energy Resource Company Power Plant, Helliwell, W.E. and Anderson, G.A., , PWR-Vol 30 Joint Power Generation Conference Vol. 2, ASME, .
  13. Heat Exchangers and Piping Systems from Copper Alloys - Commissioning, Operating and Shutdown, M. Jasner, M. Hecht and W. Beckman, , KME, .
  14. Hot Spot Corrosion in Condenser Tubes: Its Causes and Prevention, Francis, R., British Corrosion Journal, Vol. 22, 3, pp 199-201, , Institute of Materials, .
  15. Light Wall Copper Nickel Condenser Tube, , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, NY, CDA, .
  16. Literature Review on the Effects on Aquatic Environments of Copper in Cooling Water from Copper Alloy Condensers, International Copper Association, .
  17. Living with the Threat of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Submarine Sea Water Systems: The Royal Navy Perspective, Lt G.J.E. Nicklin RN, , MOD 9th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition (INEC 2008), Hamburg, British Crown Copyright 2008, .
  18. Passivity Breakdown and Repassivation of 70/30 CuNi in Descaling Agents for Cleaning of Seawater Heat Exchangers, Lemieux, E., Wolejsza, T. M., & Grolleau, A. M., , Corrosion/2002, Denver, CO, NACE International, .
  19. Pre-Treatment of Condenser Tubing for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance, Lee, T. S., , INCRA Project 284 Final Report .
  20. Protection of Seawater System Pipework and Heat Exchanger Tubes in HM Surface Ships and Submarines in Sea Water Systems, Standard 02-781 Issue 2, , UK Ministry of Defence, Not available online but inquiries can be sent to the DStan Helpdesk at [email protected] .
  21. Review of BNF Studies of the Effect of Chlorine and Pollutants on the Corrosion of Copper Alloy Condenser Tubes, Francis, R. and Campbell, H., EFC Marine Corrosion Workshop, Eurocorr 2008, .
  22. Role of Iron in the Inhibition of Corrosion of Marine Heat Exchangers A Review, Pearson, C., British Corrosion Journal, Vol. 7, 2, pp 61-68, , .
  23. Copper Nickel Condenser and Heat Exchanger Systems, Kirk, W. and Tuthill, A, Technical Report 7044-1919, , CDA Inc Seminar The Application of Copper-Nickel Alloys in Marine Systems, .
  24. Copper Nickel Condenser and Heat Exchanger Systems, Kirk, W. and Tuthill, A, Technical Report 7044-1919, , CDA Inc Seminar The Application of Copper-Nickel Alloys in Marine Systems, .
  25. The Effect of Decaying Marine Organisms on the Corrosion of Copper Nickel Alloys in Sea Water, Lenard, D. R., , Corrosion/2002, Denver, CO, NACE International, .
  26. The Effect of Ferrous Sulphate on Sulfide Induced Corrosion of Copper Base Condenser Alloys in Aerated Seawater, Hack, H. P. and T. S. Lee, , Second Symposium on Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, ASM International, .
  27. The Influence of Corrosion and Fouling on Steam Condenser Performance, Michels, H. T., W. W. Kirk, and A. H. Tuthill, Conference Papers & Proceedings, pp 50, , Presented at the 16th Power Conference, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA;, Materials for Energy Systems. ASM. Vol.1 .
  28. The Role of Corrosion and Fouling in Steam Condensers, Anderson, D. B., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, NY, CDA, .
  29. The Use of Cathodic Portection for Copper Alloys in Seawater Cooling Systems, Berthagen, Leif, Eurocorr 2001, EFC Working Party meeting. Marine Corrosion, .
  30. Tube Ordering Information: Specification and Mill Quality Control, , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, NY, CDA, .
  31. Tube/Tubesheet Joining, Gaffoglio, C. J., , CDA Heat Exchanger Seminar, New York City, New York, .
  32. Wolverine Engineering Data Book II, Dr. K. J. Bell and Dr. A. C. Mueller, Germany, Wieland-Werke AG, .
  33. Wolverine Engineering Data Book III, Professor John R. Thome, Germany, Wieland-Werke AG, .