Description: This type of copper siding provides a relatively flat appearance with fine horizontal lines. The length of each piece of siding is usually limited to 10 feet. The height varies but is typically 12" to 18". Transverse seams are 6" minimum, lap joints. The joints are staggered on successive runs to improve water resistance. This also helps reduce the stacking of multiple layers of copper at one place, which can make it difficult to fold the horizontal joints. Panels are installed shingle fashion, from the bottom up.
The minimum recommended gauge for copper used on flat siding is 16 ounces.
For more information on Horizontal Siding Testing, see Section 15.6 Performance Testing for Copper Wall Cladding.
Substrate: Continuous nailable substrate.
Fastening Method: Cleats screwed to substrate.
12.2A. Typical Section
This section shows the single lock seam used in the horizontal joint between runs. Cleats are used to fasten the siding to the substrate. The cleats are spaced at 12" on center.

12.2B. Typical Axonometric
The 6" minimum, lap is shown at the transverse seams. The transverse seams should be staggered, as shown.

12.2C. Top and Base Details
The top condition can be handled in many ways, depending on the material above the copper siding. The copper flashing is typically lapped a minimum of 4" by the material above.

In the bottom detail, wood blocking is used to provide a drip and a protected place for fastening the continuous copper lock strip.
12.2D. Parapet Detail
Cleats are fastened into the blocking at the top of the parapet framing. A copper coping cover is attached to the upper most run of copper siding using a single lock seam. The cover extends over the parapet and is locked into a continuous lock strip on the back side of the parapet.