Units for Physical Properties

Currently, physical properties are only being shown in US Units.

Physical Property Units (US) Conversion to Metric Formula Units (Metric)
Melting Point - Liquidus °F (US - 32) x 5/9 °C
Melting Point - Solidus °F (US - 32) x 5/9 °C
Density lb/cu in. at 68°F US x 27.68 gm/cu cm at 20°C
Specific Gravity (same value)
Electrical Resistivity 172.41 / Electrical Conductivity (US) Microhm-cm at 20°C
Electrical Conductivity % IACS at 68°F US x 0.0058 MegaSiemens per cm at 20°C
Thermal Conductivity Btu/ sq ft/ ft hr/ °F at 68°F US x 1.732 W/m at °C
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 68-212 10-6 per °F (68 – 212°F) US x 1.732 10-6 per °C (20 – 100°C)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 68-392 10-6 per °F (68 – 392°F) US x 1.732 10-6 per °C (20 – 200°C)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 68-572 10-6 per °F (68 – 572°F) US x 1.732 10-6 per °C (20 – 300°C)
Specific Heat Capacity Btu/ lb /°F at 68°F US x 4190 J/kg °C
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension ksi US x 6.8948 Mpa
Modulus of Rigidity ksi US x 6.8948 Mpa
Change in Density During Aging % (same value) %
Incipient Melting °F (US - 32) x 5/9 °C
Magnetic Permeability (same value)
Poisson's Ratio (same value)
Shear Modulus ksi US x 6.8948 Mpa